
Airports, train stations and hotels are marked as accurately possible.

When we stayed at private residences, it’s more or less just the town that’s marked, for privacy.  A few are marked more accurately.

Green lines and markers indicate where Luscious and Philipp went together.  Red is Luscious on her own, and the little bit of blue is Philipp on his own.

NOTE: you can make it full-screen by clicking on the white-on-red magnifying glass at the very left edge of the map.

2 Comments on Map

  1. Mike G. says:

    Wow, that’s a lot of frequent flyer miles 🙂

    The map looks great. How hard was KML to deal with?

  2. Philipp says:

    Well, most of the miles probably are in planes. But most of the hours are trains (with a few ferries and cars). And I don’t know if any of this counts toward frequent flier accounts we have :-/

    KML was a little frustrating, but mostly I misunderstood what Google Earth was doing and lost about half of my placemarks the first time through. The KML supported by Google Maps is fairly minimal, so there’s not that much to this file. You can see it if you look for

    What I thought should be possible but wasn’t, was to build a path out of placemarks. Which sort of makes sense given that paths are usually real paths (e.g. a GPS coordinate trail) rather than what I’ve built here. But it means that building it by hand is annoying.

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