For those of you who see these on Facebook first, I’m experimenting with a WordPress plugin called “Wordbooker”, since Facebook’s own RSS feed system is ridiculously delayed (a week?! come on!)
Not actually sure how they’ll show up.
But it will also separate out Luscious’ posts to only post on her Facebook account, and my posts on mine.
Might be less confusing that way. I’d still encourage you to use the main blog, but either way is fine.
I’ve got plenty more words that are stacking up ready to come out. But I kind of want the posts to be in order. Which gets awkward when we’re already heading out of France soon, and I still haven’t written the rest about Iceland.
Which leads me to a question for anyone out there who knows about WordPress. What are your thoughts on dating posts in the past? I feel a little silly posting 5 things all at once, some of which were from a week ago, others not.
Anyway, just another status update. Real content coming in a bit.
So the Wordbooker plugin is working fairly nicely, with one really irritating exception. It defaults the dropdown to Luscious’ Facebook account every single time. And I keep forgetting this, so whenever I post something new, it shows up on Luscious’ Facebook page, not mine. Time to figure out how to file a bug report.